How to store your toothbrush

By Team Pearlii2 min read
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Unless you live in a mansion, your toothbrush is in the same room as your toilet, sink and tub. Here’s some food for thought; if you can reach your toothbrush while doing your business, chances are airborne faecal particles can reach it too. Storing your toothbrush not-too-close to your toilet seat is one of the easiest ways to keep it clean. Another way to minimise the 'aerosol effect' is by putting the lid down before flushing.

We understand how you might think the bathroom cabinet is a great spot to keep your trusty mate shielded from bathroom gunk. But storing a damp toothbrush in an enclosed space creates a warm and humid environment i.e. the perfect breeding ground for bacteria. So, in an attempt to solve one problem, you are creating a new one.

Is there a good place?

The counter makes a handy spot as long as the toothbrush is placed away from the sink where soap and water droplets from hand washing can’t reach it. No need to consider a redesign if you are not blessed with the luxury of counter space. Just get a bamboo toothbrush stand (one per family member), and place it somewhere above the sink. Problem solved!

What do experts say?

Dentists recommend storing your toothbrush in an upright position, without touching any other toothbrush heads allowing it to air dry. Make sure you rinse it well and give it a good shake to get rid of excess water after every use, before putting it away.

If you want to go that extra mile

You can do the following to disinfect your toothbrush:

  1. Run hot water over it before and after each use
  2. Soak it in antibacterial mouthwash for about 2 minutes
  3. Get two toothbrushes - to use one while the other dries
  4. Use a UV toothbrush sanitizer

Irrespective of the measures you take to keep your toothbrush clean, it needs to be replaced periodically. Dentists recommend replacing your toothbrush every three months, or sooner if the bristles appear worn-out. You should also replace your toothbrush after you have been sick to avoid the risk of reinfection or transmission to family members.

Shop our bamboo toothbrush stand to solve your problem!

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