The ABCs of teeth stains

By Team Pearlii2 min read
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As our eyes part open in the morning, our thoughts focus on that first sip of caffeine that will help us kick start our day. The warm cup in our hands gives us a moment of happiness before the hustle and bustle of the day begins. So, it is no wonder that tea is the most consumed drink in the world. 

But did you know that tea is also one of the leading causes of stained and discoloured teeth?

Studies have also shown tea to be worse than coffee - coffee lovers rejoice!

A coffee being poured

A. How does tea stain our teeth?

The reason tea may actually be worse than coffee is due to the tannin that tea contains.

Tannins are chemical compounds that are strong in flavour and have astringent properties. The darker your tea, the darker the tannin and therefore the more severe the discolouration is likely to be. 

Key takeaway: Black tea has a higher tannin content compared to herbal or green tea.

A collection of tea bags

B. Does that mean green tea won’t stain my teeth?

Short answer, no. Although the tannin content is weaker in green tea, it still exists and therefore you can still experience staining. 

Ultimately, if you take good care of your oral hygiene and have a consistent routine, a cup of green tea shouldn’t give you any stains.

A tea cup and pot on a table

C. How can I still enjoy tea without experiencing staining?

Choose a tea with a lower tannin content, such as herbal or green tea, as they aren’t as harsh. Secondly, add a dash of milk. Casein, which is a protein found in milk, helps stop these tannin molecules from sticking to your teeth.

Still worried about stains? Order one of our amazing Home Teeth Whitening Kits to remove your teeth stains and keep your teeth looking white!

You can keep drinking all the tea without worrying about discoloration.

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